AmerisourceBergen Corporation is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical services companies serving global markets with a focus on the pharmaceutical supply chain. Servicing both pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare providers, the Company provides drug distribution and related services designed to reduce costs and improve patientoutcomes. Their scale, their position in the healthcare industry, and the value they bring to the channel have all helped their business continue to succeed.Headquartered in Valley Forge, PA, AmerisourceBergen has locations around the world. In the US, we handle about 20% of all of the pharmaceuticals sold and distributed throughout the country.They strive to take costs out of the healthcare system by using their scale and efficient operations to drive value for their customers. In addition to delivering pharmaceuticals on a just-in-time basis to tens of thousands of healthcare providers every day, they provide business support and consulting services to help their customers focus on their key strength—caring for patients.AmerisourceBergen is committed to the safety and security of the nation’s pharmaceutical supply chain. They purchase all branded and generic pharmaceuticals only directly from the product’s manufacturer, except in the rare instance that they are required to do otherwise either by the manufacturer or a government agency.
AmerisourceBergen Corporation is one of the world's largest pharmaceutical services companies serving global markets with a focus on the pharmaceutical supply chain. Servicing both pharmaceutical manufacturers and healthcare providers, the Company provides drug distribution and related services designed to reduce costs and improve patientoutcomes. Their scale, their position in the healthcare industry, and the value they bring to the channel have all helped their business continue to succeed.Headquartered in Valley Forge, PA, AmerisourceBergen has locations around the world. In the US, we handle about 20% of all of the pharmaceuticals sold and distributed throughout the country.They strive to take costs out of the healthcare system by using their scale and efficient operations to drive value for their customers. In addition to delivering pharmaceuticals on a just-in-time basis to tens of thousands of healthcare providers every day, they provide business support and consulting services to help their customers focus on their key strength—caring for patients.AmerisourceBergen is committed to the safety and security of the nation’s pharmaceutical supply chain. They purchase all branded and generic pharmaceuticals only directly from the product’s manufacturer, except in the rare instance that they are required to do otherwise either by the manufacturer or a government agency.
N° de registre commercial
Nom normalisé
Type de société
Non profitable
Statut actuel
Date de création
Date de dissolution
N° de registre commercial
Nom légal alternatif actuel
Langue du nom légal alternatif actuel
Juridiction d'origine
Ancien N° de registre commercial
Noms précédents
Noms alternatifs
Marketing autorisé ?
Inactif ?
Date de la déclaration annuelle à venir
Date de référence comptable
Date de la dernière mise à jour du rapport annuel
Déclaration annuelle à venir
Date de la dernière déclaration annuelle
Déjà liquidé ?
Y a-t-il des historiques de faillite ?
Y a-t-il des litiges en cours ?
Code postal
Code de juridiction d'origine
N° de registre commercial de juridiction d'origine
Code d'action
NYSE:ABCValeur d'évaluation de l'introduction
-L'introduction en bourse : la levée de fonds
-Date de l'introduction
1970-01-10Prix d'action à l'introduction
-Profarma is a pharmaceutical wholesaler in Brazil.