Unilever produces and supplies fast moving consumer goods in food, and home and personal care product categories in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. It offers soups, bouillons, sauces, snacks, mayonnaise, salad dressings, olive oil, margarines, spreads, and frozen foods, as well as cooking products, such as liquid margarines under Knorr,Hellmann's, Becel/Flora, Rama/Blue Band, Calvé, WishBone, Amora, Ragù, and Bertolli brands. The company also provides ice creams under the international Heart brand, including Cornetto, Magnum, Carte d'Or and Solero, Wall's, Kibon, Algida, Ola, Ben & Jerry's, Breyers, Klondike, and Popsicle brands; tea-based beverages under Lipton, Brooke Bond, and PG Tips brands; weight management products under Slim-Fast brand; and nutritionally enhanced products under Annapurna and AdeS/Adez brands. In addition, it offers personal care products, including deodorants, anti-perspirants, skin care, and hair care products under Dove, Lux, Rexona, Sunsilk, Axe, Pond's, Suave, Clear, Lifebuoy, and Vaseline brands, as well as oral care products under Signal and Close Up brands. Further, the company provides laundry products, such as tablets, powders, liquids, and soap bars under Omo, Surf, Comfort, Radiant, Skip, and Snuggle brands; and household care products, including surface cleaners and bleach under Cif, Domestos, and Sun/Sunlight brands. It also offers solutions for professional chefs and caterers.The company sells its products through its sales force, independent brokers, agents, and distributors to chain, wholesale, co-operative, and independent grocery accounts; and food service distributors and institutions. It also distributes its products through a network of distribution centers, satellite warehouses, company-operated and public storage facilities, and depots.
Unilever produces and supplies fast moving consumer goods in food, and home and personal care product categories in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. It offers soups, bouillons, sauces, snacks, mayonnaise, salad dressings, olive oil, margarines, spreads, and frozen foods, as well as cooking products, such as liquid margarines under Knorr,Hellmann's, Becel/Flora, Rama/Blue Band, Calvé, WishBone, Amora, Ragù, and Bertolli brands. The company also provides ice creams under the international Heart brand, including Cornetto, Magnum, Carte d'Or and Solero, Wall's, Kibon, Algida, Ola, Ben & Jerry's, Breyers, Klondike, and Popsicle brands; tea-based beverages under Lipton, Brooke Bond, and PG Tips brands; weight management products under Slim-Fast brand; and nutritionally enhanced products under Annapurna and AdeS/Adez brands. In addition, it offers personal care products, including deodorants, anti-perspirants, skin care, and hair care products under Dove, Lux, Rexona, Sunsilk, Axe, Pond's, Suave, Clear, Lifebuoy, and Vaseline brands, as well as oral care products under Signal and Close Up brands. Further, the company provides laundry products, such as tablets, powders, liquids, and soap bars under Omo, Surf, Comfort, Radiant, Skip, and Snuggle brands; and household care products, including surface cleaners and bleach under Cif, Domestos, and Sun/Sunlight brands. It also offers solutions for professional chefs and caterers.The company sells its products through its sales force, independent brokers, agents, and distributors to chain, wholesale, co-operative, and independent grocery accounts; and food service distributors and institutions. It also distributes its products through a network of distribution centers, satellite warehouses, company-operated and public storage facilities, and depots.
N° de registre commercial
Nom normalisé
Type de société
Non profitable
Statut actuel
Date de création
Date de dissolution
N° de registre commercial
Nom légal alternatif actuel
Langue du nom légal alternatif actuel
Juridiction d'origine
Ancien N° de registre commercial
Noms précédents
Noms alternatifs
Marketing autorisé ?
Inactif ?
Date de la déclaration annuelle à venir
Date de référence comptable
Date de la dernière mise à jour du rapport annuel
Déclaration annuelle à venir
Date de la dernière déclaration annuelle
Déjà liquidé ?
Y a-t-il des historiques de faillite ?
Y a-t-il des litiges en cours ?
Code postal
Code de juridiction d'origine
N° de registre commercial de juridiction d'origine
(2020-06-30 10:23:46 UTC)
Code d'action
NASDAQ:AAPLValeur d'évaluation de l'introduction
$1.2BL'introduction en bourse : la levée de fonds
$101.2MDate de l'introduction
1970-01-05Prix d'action à l'introduction
$22.00Google is a multinational corporation that specializes in Internet-related services and products.
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