WikiGlobalMarketing Service
Help business grow rapidly
More timely, more sustained, and more original response
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WikiGlobal ads provide you with multiple choices
Splash Ads
Carousel Ads
Couplet Ads
Details Page Ads
News Feed Ads
Splash Ads on APP
WikiGlobal's splash screen integrates WikiGlobal's high-quality brand advertising traffic and provides strong brand exposure in the form of splash ads on the APP.
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Achieve all your goals at the same time
Achieve all your goals at the same time
Promote your app to new users
Show your brand to more users
Increase online sales
The powerful functions of WikiGlobal can lead your brand to a new trend.
Excellent exposure
As the world's leading enterprise information query platform, WikiGlobal APP has accumulated a huge user base around the world. Through advertising, your brand will appear to countless users and achieve unprecedented exposure.
Target your audiences accurately
WikiGlobal APP has a wide range of user groups and can accurately deliver ads based on users' interests, geographical location, language preferences, and other factors so that your advertising information can be accurately conveyed to the target audience and improve the efficiency and conversion rate of advertising.
Creative diversity
The advertising business of WikiGlobal APP supports a variety of forms, including pictures, videos, animations, etc., providing more creative space. Through well-designed advertising content, we can attract users' attention, stimulate their curiosity and interest, and increase the interaction and awareness between the brand and users.
Data analysis and ROI evaluation
Through the powerful data analysis tools of WikiGlobal APP, you can check the advertising performance and response at any time. Detailed data reports and ROI evaluation help you understand the effectiveness of advertising, optimize advertising strategies, and improve advertising ROI.
Accurately display your ads to target users
Get started easily with our free, personalized support. Let WikiGlobal advertising experts help you customize your plan.